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Data model and Schema

Data model

This document outlines the Sonar data model.

The basic unit of information in Sonar is a Record. A Record has the following required fields:

  • id: A string that identifies the entity that this record describes.
  • type: A string identifying the type of this record
  • value: The value object

After being inserted into the database, a record will have these additional fields upon loading:

  • version: The key@seq string that uniquely identifies this record version
  • lseq: The local sequence number of this record
  • links: List of key@seq links that this record makes obsolete
  • timestamp Timestamp when this record was saved

Working with schema

When getting Sonar records from the database, they are upcasted into Record object that, in addition to the above mentioned properties, have methods that allow to introspect the Record via its type's spec.

  • record.fields(): Get a list of FieldValues for this record
  • record.getOne(field): Get a single value for a field
  • record.getMany(field): Get all current values for a field

Defining schema

A schema is an object describing the fields this content type has.

Type props

  • name: string: Name (required). May only contain numbers and letters. (TODO: Enforce this)
  • namespace: string : Namespace (required, default is the collection key)
  • version: number: Type version (required, default 0)

Every type has a derived address property that has to be unique per collection and has the format namespace/name@version. (TODO: Finish conflict story)

  • refines: string: Type address of a parent type. This means this type inherits all fields and props of it's parent. It is considered to be a subclass of its parent for queries and indexing.

Field types

Sonar supports the basic JSON types: string, number, boolean. object and array are supported, but cannot be indexed at the moment. Additionally, there are types that bring default indexing strategies with them:

  • float, uint, int: These types behave like number in JavaScript, but are validated and may lead to different indexing strategies for view.

  • relation: Relation fields have these default props: { search: { facet: true } } and a basic relation index (in sonar-view-relation) indexes all relations in a quadstore. The value has to be a valid Sonar entity ID.

    TODO: We also want to support a idPrefix prop, and maybe a way to reference not entity IDs, but specific Record versions.

  • text: Text fields are like string fields, but are fields that have long text. Default props: { search: { bodytext: true } }.

Field props

Each field can have properties. The supported properties are:

  • type: string One of the Sonar field types (required)
  • title: string Field title
  • description: string Field description (used by sonar-ui)
  • multiple: false The field value is an array of values. This is preferred to the array type if each value should be indexed on its own.
  • index: object: Indexing props (see below)

Additionally, a number of JSON Schema props and extensions are supported to various degrees (TODO: Document what is supported in what ways).

Every field has a derived address property of the format namespace/name@version#fieldname

Indexing props

Each field can have an index property object. The keys are the names of indexing engines. The value differs per indexing engine.

Indexing props can also be set on a type. If set on the type, these props are the default for all fields of this type.

The search view uses sonar-tantivy to create a full-text search index.

Field-level props

  • indexed: false Index this field in the search index.
  • record: basic|freq|position: Index only the entity ID (basic), term frequenceies (freq) or term frequencies and term positions (position) (Default: position) Applies only to string and text fields
  • facet: false Index this field as a facet field (so it can be filtered on in queries)
  • tokenizer: 'default': Set the tokenizer for this field. Valid values are default, de/DE, en/US, etc (TODO: Link to list of available tokenizers)
  • fastfield: false: Index as fast field (number fields only)
  • body: true: Index this field, stringified, into the body field of the search index.
  • title: false: Index this field into the title field of the search index.

The Tantivy field type is derived from the Sonar field type (TODO: Document the map from Sonar to Tantivy field types).

Example A simple schema definition looks like this:

const spec = {
title: 'Notes',
fields: {
title: {
type: 'string',
title: 'Title',
index: {
search: { title: true }
body: {
type: 'text'
title: 'Body',
index: {
// This could also be the default by field type
search: { bodytext: true }
date: {
type: 'date',
title: 'Date',
index: {
basic: true,
search: { facet: true }
tags: {
type: 'string',
multiple: true,
title: 'Tags',
index: {
basic: true,
search: { facet: true }
author: {
type: 'relation',
title: 'Author'
